I haven't made a news post thing in a while so I'll tell you what I'm working on or something :\
(In order of what I'm gonna focus on most)
1. Killthespartan - Competition/collab set up by stickpage yet again. Money prizes included, that's why it's first. (Not gonna lie)
Progress: 20%
Length so far: ~15s
2. Micwizard - This was for a failed collab at DF. I'm now gonna try to make it a full length animation. I'm putting my focus on the special effects and particles in this one so it's like orgasmic for the eyes, idk.
Progress: 10%
Length so far: ~15s
3. Box smash collab - Stone's making a collab for his old box smash animation with Thizik. This time the box is gonna have revenge for getting hit so much. I have some pretty good ideas for this one so yeah... :\
Progress: 0%
4. Entanglement2 - i'm working with tman once again for this project. It's gonna be bigger and better than the original (hopefully). Tman's been busy with school and stuff though.. but he'll probably be able to start during summer.
Progress: 15%
Length so far ~30s
5. Others - Might join the pelvic thrust collab, or w/e else comes.
Micwizard loosk hot so far, I hope you finish. Same thing for E2.
I hope so too.