What's everyone been up to?
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/6/06
Posted by Miccool - July 22nd, 2013
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hyun/stick-f igure-spotlight-4-and-summoner-showdown-2
Support us if you care! YEEE. Also I'm in Sweden now, it's nice here.
Posted by Miccool - May 28th, 2013
Hey everyone, so for anyone that plays League of Legends... or just follow me >__>.. Phil and Eric have both released their animations which they aired live during the All Stars game in China! I did most of the effects found in both!
The first one is a coolio battle of Lee Sin buttraping Teemo in the butt.
And this one is another one of Hyun's awesome sauce, fun stick parodies
I hope you guys enjoy.. I'm continually trying to improve my effects, but I've been pretty busy with stuff. Currently I'm in Sweden working on the new Clear Vision game with Endo and Dan! Anyhow... that's it for now BYE.
Posted by Miccool - March 6th, 2013
Hey me and my friend terkoiz are looking for a background artist for our upcoming League of legends animation thing. You'll be paid and credited etc etc. So pm me if you're good and interested! yeeee
Also Clear Vision 2 is out! So buy it if you're interested!
iPhone/iPod: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id598241102
iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id598565251
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai r.dpflashes.clearvision2
Also I made a fan page on fb cause I'm a faggot https://www.facebook.com/pages/Miccool/144012485 759582?fref=ts
that is all
Posted by Miccool - November 7th, 2012
Hyun do animation, I do effects. Enjoy!
Posted by Miccool - March 30th, 2012
Hey guys, this iPhone game I helped animate with my friend Endo and my programmer Dan is like the third top paid game on the iphone or something right now. Which is pretty fucking cool.
You can buy it and tell me how it goes cause cause I don't have an iphone.
If you're under 17 and your parents don't let you watch hentai then you can always get the (12+) version. And if you're under 12 then you're basically fucked.
Cheers big ears! I'm welding this door! Loads of monay!
Edit: oh yeah, I got nominated for the annual tank awards too! =D Wish me luck (though I highly doubt I'll win lol)