
Michael Sung @Miccool

Age 33, Male



Joined on 5/6/06

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Madness day progress thing

Posted by Miccool - January 23rd, 2011

So I started working on an animation for madness day 2011 even before madness day 2010 took place... Since I'm pretty slow when it comes to animating as well as school work at college, I decided I might as well start. I don't really have a plot yet... just the generic Hank goes into a base, kills people, and has a final duel with that clown guy. I might add a mini back story if anything good comes to mind and if can pull it off.

So far I have roughly 40-60 s of animation which I still need to clean up for the most part. Again with all my animations, I'm learning many new things as I animate. I've started getting the hang of the program "painttool sai" for drawing rough backgrounds and trying to clean up my brush strokes. For some reason clean up work is really difficult for me and never comes out the way I thought it would be when I drew the rough copy (hank doesn't even really look like hank =( )... so I'm still working on that.

Speaking of that, I remember seeing a recorded video on Zeurel's livestream and his brush strokes were almost impeccably perfect in every stroke. But whenever I try, the smoothing always either makes it too edgy or too rough... or just fucked up in general. I was wondering how he made it so perfect... is it that he has an extremely good tablet or that he's just too hardcore good? Anyhow.. Back to madness.

I got the idea of doing a madness animations cause my friends Mesmay and Drifts who used to animate stick animations along with me did some madness animations and they looked pretty cool and faired pretty well as well. So I figured... since one day I would have to break out of the whole stick animating thing and go into full figures and since my drawing skills aren't up to par yet (imo) why not start with some madness?

My animation is gonna mostly inspired off of Hulaloo's madness stuff and mindchamber's "with my minds madness" as well as those cool anime fight scene things..... I'm trying to aim for around 5-6 minutes; hopefully everything goes according to plan. That's it for now! Peace.

By the way, should I call it Micmadness? when I did it with micwizard a lot of people thought it was either neat or really fucking retarded... but it might be cool cause then any animations starting with mic- will be associated with my animations... kinda like egoraptor and the awesome series or something.... idk. Also naming it "madness ________" is starting to get old.

V Final draft will look like this probably V

Madness day progress thing


Woo Woo Woo Woo!


Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh!


I would go with Micmadness. But I don't know, wait for someone more intelligent than me to answer that.
And yeah brush strokes in flash are annoying :l
Sometimes I try to draw a simple line and flash decides to give it a giant tumor.
I think it's down to luck, and drawing it quickly.

Yeah I've noticed a lot of people do quick strokes and somehow that helps... I've also seen people do extremely slow ones too. I'll keep that in mind

Hey Micc, have you tried lining the strokes at around 300-400% magnification? That should help reduce the nasty brush stroke 'blobs' that occur.

And yeah, i'd go for MicMadness~

Yeah I've recently been experimenting with different magnifications but when the inbetweens get really close, I still find it pretty hard to find that steady hand especially at higher magnifications. I'll keep working at it, thanks!


MicMadness :O

But seriously, I see some sort of bamboo. Or shit.

I usually take it at 150%-200% zoom with the smallest brush 40-50 smoothness and it stays pretty consistent, especially back when I was animating with a mouse. Not sure how thick you like your lines though.

k, I'll take that down. thanks jaz

looks neat. the clowns name is tricky, and hank looks a little too flat though

yeah ;-;

Dude, Madness Day is in like September

Hell yeah.

lol stick Hank. You think it will look good or are they all going to be full-body animations?

It's gonna look like the what it looks like in the preview image. Though I made him a bit too sack like though... You'll see what I mean when you see it

the first time hurt

:o .

nice frame shot, its looking pretty interesting already

I like what you have so far man; and it's about time you did a flash that didn't involve stickmen. (I don't have a problem with them, but I think it's time for you to broaden your horizons.)

Your skill of animation is amazing, how anyone could call Micwizard retarded is beyond me. Your unique animating style should allow you to call it whatever you want. You have a skill with effects and you should use it to your max potential!

no way!!! my favorite stick animator does madness? its a merical!!

maaaaaaaaaaaang. Needs more "shiny" :3