Hey, if you haven't heard already, I've been working on my madness day project since September to try to put the best animation I can for the occasion. However due to school and stuff, I took a 3 month break... But I've recently picked up on it again and it's going great! Hopefully I can make it at least 3 minutes... if not I'll probably just do some bullshit, anticlimactic ending.
As for school.. I have finals right now, so I should be studying... But I'm not. I'm currently taking 1st year math, chem, bio, physics and another bio.... And so far I'm failing 2/5 courses. OH WELL... Anyway, I'm thinking of majoring in computer sciences, so I picked some introductory courses for the summer. If any of you are doing compsci, you can tell me your life story or w/e.
In other news, I've recently spent some time on JAZZA's giant game project, Ortus. I'm doing special effects animation and so far everything's been pretty chill. So look forward to that if you're interested.
Lastly, I've began using youtube and livestream a lot more.. I often post a video on youtube saying when I'm gonna animate, then delete it afterwards... So if you're interested, look at my stuff, subscribe.. w/e.
Awesome Miccool. :D
I can't wait to see it finish. WOAH. That picture looks. Woah. O_O