
Michael Sung @Miccool

Age 33, Male



Joined on 5/6/06

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What I'm gonna do next

Posted by Miccool - October 8th, 2011

Hey guys

First of all I wanna say that I'm very honoured to have won the top animation of Madness day and the month of September; I honestly wasn't expecting the outcome to be so good but I was proven wrong thankfully, haha. Thanks to the NG community and everyone who watched and enjoyed my anim, yadda yadda. But yeah.. I think madness day had a really great showing this year being really creative and all that. Great stuff.

So now that I'm done with that, I'm probably gonna decrease my attention on animation and focus more on my drawing abilities for a while. I haven't really drawn too much in the past and I think it would be extremely beneficial to my progress as an animator. Right now I think I'm really limited to my capabilities in drawing and I find it hard to animate full fledged figures consistently. So yeah, hopefully this new focus will help me a lot.

2ndly my dad's bringing back this kickass large intuos in January, so I'm kinda psyched for that... can finally replace my terribly small 4x5 graphire =__=. So maybe that will help me make like smoother lines or some shit.. idek lol, but it's still awesome.

Thirdly, I'm still doing flash art and effects and stuff, so if you wanna give me money to make you money, then I'd be glad to help.. wooo. School's terribly annoying though but I think I can find time still.

And last but not least, I'm most likely gonna be working with my buddy pal Terkoiz to work on a potentially big project.. Don't get your hopes up though, cause I hate disappointing and shit. Speaking of him though, he just released a couple of ass spanking new animations (TopStick and Grafight V) with another one coming it's way. So if you like my animations you'll probably like his too.

But yeah, that's about it for now.. School's hard and gay like my dick. I'll keep you guys updated... or not, w/e lol.


Congrats on first, man! It was an honor to be on the same page. Can't wait to see what you come up with when you get that intuos. I'm sure the art will kick micass!

I'm thinking about doing a big sci-fi project and bringing on some strong animators. This wouldn't be for a while, but I'd love to commission you for the team when the time comes.

Congrats again!

haha great, thanks again man! Keep me updated, lol.

You did jolly good, my friend.

I look forward to having my eyes sexed up with more of your work in teh future~

Hey thanks Zeurel, always a pleasure hearing a complement from you man. I shall try not to disappoint, thanks~

Good luck with the drawing.


So what're you going to do with the 1000 dollars you just won?

your animation was truly awesome. I await what you do next. (insert Micjoke here.

Being a Mick ... I approve of most Mic's ... MOC's are pretty cool, too.

You do our name proud. Good luck with all your training. We'll be eagerly awaiting whatever comes next :D

gl with the drawing practice, r u gonna upload ur artwork to the art portal?

Mike, here's a cool website I found that you should check out:
<a href="http://www.conceptart.org">http://www.conceptart.org</a>
They're really helpful and you'll find some other NGers on there such as myself, Zanroth, Egoraptor, Zwickel, Misterho, Hyptosis, and Spike Vallentine.

Awesome to hear, will definitely help you immensely- you have movement down, im sure you know but life drawing and studies, especially on form and color will help you the most. Throw em in the trash after you're done, the focus is not on a good piece of work, its on studying the stuff until it sticks in your head. My animation course used to recommend "andrew loomis" to all students, so take a look. Good luck.

Can't wait to see what sort of amazing shit you do in the future. Keep it up!

you reminds me of Hulalaoo. It even looks like you studied his animations. Congrats on your achievement. Without artists, the internet would be very boring and gay.