You're the man, Mesmay.
see that alliteration? (damnenglish)
You're the man, Mesmay.
see that alliteration? (damnenglish)
now thats a minimum grade B just by itself =D thanks man
You've really gotten better since the first time I saw you. I totally dig the style and the effects are extremely flashy and interesting.
10 :>
OH MY! Thanx so much! I've sent you a PM at DA too!
well thanx to everyone! I hope you all will have a nice time watching my future works.
If tell the truth I'm extremely glad 8- )
It's nice. It looks a lot like greg anims tutorial a while back though. But still helpful.
good job.
Hey Miccool its M1CKY off SPP lol. Yeah not many people see that greg-anims tut. I tried to explain it better than him too though aswel. Thanks for the comment
Lol, good job man. Nice backgrounds and an entertaining animation overall.
I'll submit mine later so I won't have to compete with you. hah
<3 you C:
hey Tention. I'm gonna give you a ten cause... umm.. Well I just can.
*high fives*
I really liked the end of the animation. I really saw improvement and I really loved the different angles and the rotation cam you used.
Although a few movements looked a little too much like Oscars in my opinion. Also some of the movements (especially the runs) bugged me a lot. Other than that it was pretty nice.
I'm voting 5 and 10 to support both animations. ^^
THanks man, im just curious why did the runs bug you?
Nice. I like the concept. the animation could use some work, but I like the style of it.
One reason this was really hard to animate was because of the way everything was outlined like made me want to be really lazy with things, and it was hard to be as precise as usual. I'm glad you like the style, though, it was definitely my first time trying something like that.
Not bad..
A nice length. Most animations were decent.
SweetSkater - movements were a bit stiff. Loosen it up.
JunkyCow - Needs to quit using the free transform tool so much. >_>
Doomshock - Physics were weird at times but fairly smooth and consistent.
Awesome-Rific - Work on the beam thing at the end.
ToasterDemon - movements were stiff and I didn't like the run at the end, but I like the use of the cam.
Wurmy - Wasn't bad, nice cinematic feel. You need to show the other guy getting stabbed though.
Vincoid - I liked the smooth movements (especially in the squid thing) The physics were off though. Unless that's just your style.
Pwnsor - You need more anticipation and easing in your movements imo. And work on your effects.
Yeah.. That's just my personal opinion.. : D
And $20! I should have considered joining this. >_< lol
dont give advice on animation when you can't animate. It's worthless ;)
I 5'd this sob.
I'll five you, you silly little sob. <3
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/6/06