lmao, sweet voice acting and hilariously ironic jokes.
lmao, sweet voice acting and hilariously ironic jokes.
You're the man, Mesmay.
see that alliteration? (damnenglish)
now thats a minimum grade B just by itself =D thanks man
You're getting better, some of the voices needed major work though and the bevel was overused kinda. Also Tanaka Rie's a good singer.
Always loved your humour. This one's no different.
Wow, There were a lot of good parts in this one. I really enjoyed everyone's creativity and humor. Sithslayer's cracked me up.
Anyway, this is a really well made collab, and the parts flowed well together. The idea of the collab was brilliant too. One thing that bugged me though was the repeated crash sound at the end. >_> other than that it was nice.
Hah, hey.. I guess even you submitted something for today. I liked the animation overall, it flowed well and synced with the music. Although short, I liked this animation more than a lot of your other full figure one's.
You've really gotten better since the first time I saw you. I totally dig the style and the effects are extremely flashy and interesting.
10 :>
OH MY! Thanx so much! I've sent you a PM at DA too!
well thanx to everyone! I hope you all will have a nice time watching my future works.
If tell the truth I'm extremely glad 8- )
Your creativity shoots up to the max. More and more people are doing this type of thing these days. :3
Although I expected it too be longer.. Good job nonetheless
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/6/06