Too solo
This is an amazing piece of work. It's Just too
Too solo
This is an amazing piece of work. It's Just too
Funny kinda
It actually looks like a real cartoon now.
Although I used to enjoy your humor more back in the day. I didn't laugh very much tbh. But I'll still give you a ten just cause your lazyboy. =|
Very nice frame by frame work. I really enjoyed it. Short, but enjoyable.
lmao. Some of those jokes are soo lame.. yet soooo funny. Good job on a sequel guys.
It's nice. It looks a lot like greg anims tutorial a while back though. But still helpful.
good job.
Hey Miccool its M1CKY off SPP lol. Yeah not many people see that greg-anims tut. I tried to explain it better than him too though aswel. Thanks for the comment
Lol, good job man. Nice backgrounds and an entertaining animation overall.
I'll submit mine later so I won't have to compete with you. hah
<3 you C:
It was interesting.notrly.
A lot of the parts needed work, but it looks like everyone worked hard on this, so good job. Also the fact that the music was already used in Unbalanced also bugs me. w/e. Jinkii's parts were definitely my favorite.
nice guys
It was good for what it was worth.. Although shortened, The parts that were in were visually amazing.
Extremely creative work here. I loved the concept of the animation as well. Other than giving me a couple of seizures, It was pretty damn good.
Song matched nicely too imo.
4/5, 8/10
Age 33, Male
Joined on 5/6/06