Not bad..
A nice length. Most animations were decent.
SweetSkater - movements were a bit stiff. Loosen it up.
JunkyCow - Needs to quit using the free transform tool so much. >_>
Doomshock - Physics were weird at times but fairly smooth and consistent.
Awesome-Rific - Work on the beam thing at the end.
ToasterDemon - movements were stiff and I didn't like the run at the end, but I like the use of the cam.
Wurmy - Wasn't bad, nice cinematic feel. You need to show the other guy getting stabbed though.
Vincoid - I liked the smooth movements (especially in the squid thing) The physics were off though. Unless that's just your style.
Pwnsor - You need more anticipation and easing in your movements imo. And work on your effects.
Yeah.. That's just my personal opinion.. : D
And $20! I should have considered joining this. >_< lol